unmonumentATL: Mark Leibert

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For our unmonumentATL series, we asked 13 artists to share their personal un-monuments with our readers. From January 13 to 29, we will present one artist’s submission per day. And don’t miss Nick Kahler‘s incisive two-part essay on the subject. UnmonumentATL was conceived by former BURNAWAY editor Rachel Reese. 


Grant Park
Atlanta, Georgia
Through a clearing near a power station in Grant Park is a monument to play constructed of Georgia clay. Ramps and paths, formed of nothing but dirt and bricks, are hidden away in the trees. The labor involved to create these forms is palpable. A hole in the ground, the source of so many of these curves and waves, is testament to the effort required to mine the clay. Thin layers of coal are exposed from excavation, possibly discarded from a nearby train trestle.

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