
Mood Ring (30)

On The Way Home: Sleepless Nights

Mood Ring

Satori Nightshade presents a drifting series of vignettes that form a visceral narrative of the dance of revelry, decay, resilience, and grief that soaks New Orleans in this month’s Mood Ring titled On The Way Home: Sleepless Nights.

And Lumber Would Season the Walls

Mood Ring

Valentina Jager Lopezllera explores the fragmentation of Huntsville prisons and greenspace surrounding them in this month’s Mood Ring titled And Lumber Would Season the Walls.

How To Get Free

Mood Ring

Pieced together through collage, video capture, and a spoken poem, artist Kay-Ann Henry presents the intricacies of Afro-religious practices and Jamaica’s particular expression of obeah, pocomania, and kumina.

A Companion for Departure

Mood Ring

Pulling from loss, the physical drop of objects and bodies, and three-channel videos, Arkansas-based artist Bethany Springer considers the slow-motion process of grieving, scientific experiments, and action as existence.

user experience

Mood Ring

The user is invited to navigate several vignettes composed of clip-art collages and interface components common to web-based forms, with unclear and unexpected interaction results.

a thread, unread

Mood Ring

Through video, gifs, and cinemagraphs, West Virginia artist Ally Christmas meditates on the loss of her grandmother, examining text messages and altering textiles and family photos.

lost in the seams

Mood Ring

Through AI altered voice memos layered over video clips from a visit to Puerto Rico, artist Keysha Rivera reveals her thoughts on making art.

Notes on Inheriting

Mood Ring

Houston artist Francis Almendárez traces personal and political history through the manufacture, distribution and making of clothing.