Cartoon: Gray Cube, Atlanta's Hottest New Gallery

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Click the player above to view Alex Robins’s video cartoon, or watch it on Vimeo here.
Editorial cartoons are still rooted in traditional print media, but the web offers a new arsenal of visual tools for satire. BURNAWAY Cartoons is a new series of experimental cartoons providing a sideways look at art, Atlanta, and geometry. Besides adding a bit of absurdity and levity to the website, these videos and images explore how cartooning might evolve in our digital age. Somewhere in the mess of memes, animated GIFs, and Flash websites there must be a better way to make funny.
In our first installment we become acquainted with “Gray Cube Gallery,” a new art space that exists in a parallel Atlanta made entirely of paper. Enjoy!
Alex Robins is a PhD student in philosophy at Emory University and is also the author of the BURNAWAY series Theory in Studio. His research examines the history of aesthetics with a focus on American theories of art.

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