Out There Atlanta: Pablo Gnecco

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Pablo Gnecco by Ignacio Linares.

Out There Atlanta has switched its focus to Atlanta and other Southern transplants living in the New York area. In these interviews, we reestablish connections with these artists and talk about their backgrounds, artistic journeys, what brought them to the South, and what took them away.


Pablo Gnecco is a motion designer, digital sculptor, and experiential artist. This bundle of titles is an attempt to parse the new artistic field to which he’s been drawn, in which the lines between code, hacking, and visual arts are blurred, and the result is a highly technological experience. Gnecco is originally from Bogota, Colombia, but has spent most of his life in Georgia. He recently moved to Brooklyn to find a greater community for this burgeoning art form. Listen to the podcast to hear about his background as an artist and his reflections on his first year and a half in NYC.

Topics include: how the 1996 Olympics changed his family’s life, Saul Bass, making the jump from motion design to art, and creative coding.

Pablo's inspiration wall in Brooklyn. (Image: Lilly Lampe)
Pablo’s inspiration wall in Brooklyn. (Photo: Lilly Lampe)


Array, 2013, installation in Castleberry Hill for Flux Night in Atlanta.
Array, 2013, installation in Castleberry Hill for Flux Night in Atlanta.




Self Fifty-Six,  in Dashboard Co-op's group exhibition "BOOM City" in Atlanta, 2013.
Self Fifty-Six, in Dashboard Co-op’s group exhibition “BOOM City” in Atlanta, 2013.


Womb, for a WonderGlo fund-raiser in Atlanta, 2012.
Womb, for a WonderGlo fund-raiser in Atlanta, 2012.
Transient, 2013, at Nelson Street Gallery in Atlanta.
Transient, 2013, at Nelson Street Gallery in Atlanta.

BURNAWAY Radio sponsors Out There Atlanta, by Lilly Lampe. Out There Atlanta is a podcast and online platform for interviews with artists. The intention is to create an archive of informal conversations with artists in Atlanta or who have an Atlanta connection. Conducted in the spirit of a coffee meet-up, Out There Atlanta offers a more relaxed and personal dialogue, allowing artists to get a little more “out there” with the online audience.

To subscribe to Out There Atlanta, open iTunes, go to Advanced, click Subscribe to Podcast, and insert the link for our feed: http://feeds.feedblitz.com/OTA

Music for Out There Atlanta is provided by M.S.I.F.

BURNAWAY Radio is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts.


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