WonderRoot Podcasts: Ernest Hood’s Improvised Journey

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Ernest Hood, photo courtesy Amy Pursifull.
Ernest Hood, photo courtesy Amy Pursifull.

Ernest Hood chats with Floyd Hall about how he approaches his “improvised paintings.” He also talks about embracing both sides of his creative talent—as a visual artist and a barber—plus the kind of growth he anticipates from himself and the City of Atlanta as he continues on his journey.


Audio: Click the player above to listen to Hall’s conversation with Ernest Hood, or download the MP3.




BURNAWAY Radio shares WonderRoot podcasts. The WonderRoot podcast series offers listeners a vast array of conversations and insights into WonderRoot and the Atlanta cultural community, while continuing our mission of uniting artists and community to inspire social change. These conversations also serve as a platform to highlight the wide spectrum of artists and initiatives that impact Atlanta, with an eye to how these discussions may also affect the global communities in which we live. WonderRoot believes that artists have the potential to change the world; we are artists giving back to the community that has done so much to inspire us.

To subscribe to WonderRoot podcasts, click here.


BURNAWAY Radio is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts.


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