Dodge & Burn: Creative Moms

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Lola helps Natalie and Adrian pick out colors for their coloring books.

Lola Scott: Photographer
Adrian—2 years
Natalie—4 years
“It’s fun when the kids join in, although I have lost a few rolls of film to play time. A few months ago, my daughter told me that when she grows up, she wants to ‘be an artist just like mommy.'”

Join us for the Athens Art Book Fair this June!

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I started thinking about all the moms I know who are involved in the arts in one way or another. From gallery owners to artists, photographers to painters, regardless of the art career, moms are all over the Atlanta art scene. I had a simple question I wanted to answer, what’s it like being an “Art Mom”? The following portraits are a glimpse into the worlds of different creative moms. Talking with most of them, I found that most felt that it was challenging and rewarding at the same time. The challenge was in balancing, an act that most commented was really no different than any other job, only the rewards were far more meaningful and heart-warming.

Rest and relaxation are in order for Carla, who is in her third trimester.

Carla Aaron-Lopez: Photographer/Artist
Adafa Javier—Due July 2012
“I’ve had to slow down a bit for the time being, but I’m really ready to go ahead and have this guy.”

Anne and Miles review a video of him riding down their drive way, while Abby prepares for another run.

Anne Lambert Tracht: Art Consultant
“Because I work from home, being an art mom has been a perfect situation, very family friendly.”

Jimmy, a lover of planes, and Allison search the skies for one, while Suellen tries to coax the word "airplane" out of Jimmy.

Suellen Parker: Sculptor/Artist
Allison Shockley: Painter
“We’ve probably made less work in the past two years, but it has been an adjustment period. He loves looking at our art and we love watching him grow, so we know eventually things will level out.”

Jiha patiently attends to Oliver who is full of energy in Saltworks Gallery.

Jiha Moon: Painter/Printmaker
“A few years ago someone told me I wanted it all because I had a baby and still wanted to be an artist. Well, why not?! Life is much bigger than art. I love being a mother.”

Whitney and Ezra look out their window towards the railroad as a train passes by.

Whitney Stansell: Painter
Ezra—2 years
“I’ve probably stepped back a little bit from making work, but being with him has influenced what comes out in my work for the better.”

Lila (left) tries to calm the littlest one, Sabine (middle), by making silly noises causing Jennifer and Jonah(right) to laugh.

Jennifer Schwartz: Gallery Owner
“I love that my kids are growing up around art and artists. They pay attention to art, and I hope it informs the way they move through the world.”

For this project, I shot both film and digital. I essentially used the digital camera (Nikon D7000) as a light meter to help judge the exposure value for the film camera (Mamiya C330). I shot at a relatively large aperture (f2.8) for the shots and used the available light. I wanted to make the photos look as natural as possible, trying to capture moms and their children playing, having fun, and just being together. I felt a flash would be too intrusive for thwse situations. Most children already are wary of me (I think it’s the beard), so introducing big flashing lights into the situation seemed like a bad idea.
Dodge & Burn is a series of photo essays documenting local culture with a focus on artful imagery, movement, and light.
Check BURNAWAY’s homepage for new photography every week, and watch our Flickr account for regular updates!

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