
Ally Christmas

Ally Christmas

Ally Christmas is a visual artist currently living and working out of Shepherdstown, WV. Much of her work revolves around notions of selfhood, healing rituals, and lived experience, and her hybrid practice involves many forms including digital video, still photography, bookmaking, gifs, cinemagraphs, and installation. In 2018, Christmas received her MFA in Photo/Video from the University of Georgia, after which she spent two years teaching video art and photography courses at Grinnell College as the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Video and New Media. She is currently teaching lens-based media as the coordinator of the BFA Photo Program at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, WV.

Articles (1)

a thread, unread

Mood Ring
Through video, gifs, and cinemagraphs, West Virginia artist Ally Christmas meditates on the loss of her grandmother, examining text messages and altering textiles and family photos.