Call for Artists: November 2023
Our monthly round of opportunities includes an artist in residence program in Kentucky, an open project room call in Miami, and a call for residency submissions in Savannah.
Our monthly round of opportunities includes an artist in residence program in Kentucky, an open project room call in Miami, and a call for residency submissions in Savannah.
In our first Art21 feature, we address the work of realist American painter Amy Sherald.
Burnaway is thrilled to announce a partnership with Art21, producers of award-winning films about the world’s most groundbreaking contemporary artists.
Our monthly round of opportunities includes an arts writing workshop in New Orleans, a month-long residency in the Everglades and a retreat for artists in Little Switzerland.
Our monthly round of opportunities includes an exhibition call for artworks in Athens, a visiting artist program in South Carolina, and a cinematic arts residency in Miami.
Our monthly round up of opportunities includes an open exhibition call in Tampa Bay, a Miami-based open call on the prompt of displacement, and project-based grants for Tennessee artists.
Our monthly round up of opportunities includes studio residencies in Massachusetts, grants for those born and within Alabama, and an open exhibition call in Tampa.
In solidarity with Abolition Week 2023, Bryn Evans speaks with artist Foad Satterfield in an extended interview to discuss nature’s subversion of carceral geographies.
Burnaway is excited to announce our inclusion in the inaugural cohort of Future Studies, a new multi-year initiative from the Ruth Foundation for the Arts. Under this initiative, Burnaway is receiving an unprecedented multi-year, six-figure grant, the largest single gift in our 14-year history.