In loving memory of Akbar Imhotep (1951-2022) —
Beloved father, forever remembered in spirit and story.
This Father’s Day, Burnaway is revisiting a treasured public program titled Spirit Spectrum, featuring Ra Malika Imhotep and their father Akbar Imhotep. In 2012, these kin began a series of intergenerational, poetic collaborations under the title “Spirit Spectrum.” When the public program premiered ten years later in July 2022, both Ra and Akbar had recently published poetry collections of their own, Ra Malika Imhotep’s gossypiin and Akbar Imhotep’s 70@ 70: Silver Lining Poems. In the event recording below, the two Imhotep’s exchange poems and discuss the Southern Black Arts landscapes that nourish them.
This Burnaway program was supported by Fulton County Arts and Culture and the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs’ Municipal Support for the Arts Program.