During this time of unprecedented uncertainty and public concern, Burnaway has compiled a list of useful resources for artists and their supporters below. This list will be updated as new opportunities or resources become available.
General resources
List of resources for artists working in all disciplines, as well as arts philanthropists, and arts professionals. [Creative Capital]
Emergency DIY Mask Guide: Easy how-to guide for assembling your own protective face mask, featuring illustrations by Atlanta-based artist Dianna Settles. [Inhabit.Global]
How to prevent loneliness in a time of social distancing. [Scientific American]
Taking care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty. [American Foundation for Suicide Prevention]
How We Should Reimagine Art’s Mission in the Time of ‘Social Distancing’ [Ben Davis, artnet news]
Resources for individual artists and writers
Burnaway’s Emergency Writer Grant – offering 500$ to art and culture writers in the South affected by COVID-19.
COVID-19 & Freelance Artist Resources
Useful resources for artists [Georgia Council for the Arts]
COVID-19 Relief Fund for Experimental Artists [Foundation for Contemporary Arts]
Queer writers of color relief fund [Shade Literary Arts]
Writers’ emergency fund [PEN America]
Atlanta Artist Lost Gig Fund: Providing financial assistance to Atlanta area artists who have unmet needs due to lost revenue from cancelled upcoming events and gigs, this fund is open to arts workers of any discipline, including arts administrators, visual artists, craft artisans, musicians, writers, and others. [C4]
New Orleans Gig Worker Relief Fund [New Orleans Business Alliance]
Charlottesville Emergency Fund [Virginia]
ArtsGreensboro: money in money out fund for individual artists in North Carolina
Resources for arts organizations and nonprofits
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund
Resources for arts advocates
Americans for the Arts Action Fund: Request your members of Congress ensure legislators will include $4 billion—to be distributed through the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)—to help offset the losses of the nonprofit arts industry.
Online museum experiences and virtual artworks
New Orleans Museum of Art Online
Ogden Museum of Southern Art Online
Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University Digital Archive
Flux Projects presents Over the Bent World, a short film by Whitney and Micah Stansell
For parents and educators
Lesson Plans from The Studio Museum in Harlem
Stay At Home And… : A Coloring Book from the Artists at NIAD [NIAD Art Center]