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Support our writers and editorial staff today!
Support our writers and editorial staff today!

If you appreciate the work we do to champion local art in Atlanta and the Southeast, please consider donating today. Your dollars ($) will count double ($$!) during BURNAWAY’s $15K matching grant from Possible Futures. We have raised $8,500 so far! We’d love to reach $10,000 by the end of the week. Please consider helping us get there by making a tax-deductible gift today. Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated. The majority of this grant goes towards paying our writers and editorial staff. This means things like the weekly To Do List, Shara Hughes’ Call for Artists column, reviews by Andrew Alexander, interviews with Sherri Caudell and Scott Daughtridge, coverage from around the region, and more FOR FREE! You can make a donation here.

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Amarie Gipson visits mixed-media artist Chayse Sampy in her shared studio in Downtown Houston to discuss living in the South, Afro-surrealism, and the color blue.